Super excited to reveal that Righteous, my 1-hour supernatural TV pilot, is named a FINALIST in this year’s Script2Comic contest!
It’s a great achievement.
Four winners will be selected. Announcements for winners will be made on December 1st. Each winning script will be made in to a comic or graphic novel and optioned by one or more of the contest’s sponsors for development into a tv show or feature.
Winners will also receive a commentative foil card of their comic cover & a few copies of the complete comic.
All Script2Comic finalist have their scripts read by industry pros, some of which have worked on blockbuster film projects like: The Hunger Games, Fast & Furious, Maleficent, Zombieland: Doubletap, Atomic Blonde, Twilight, and Stumpland, as well as managers and agents.
The contest sponsors are Mosaic, Picture Start, Scout Comics, CGC, Thunder Comics, and Comic Impressions.
How cool is that?
Wish me luck!
December 1st seems so far away…